Simon James at the drawing board
Simon is currently busy at his drawing board working on the artwork for his next book with Walker Books, called ‘Nurse Clementine‘. The artwork will be finished in September and the book will be published in 2012.
by simon
by simon
‘George Flies South‘, Simon’s new book about a baby bird’s unusual journey to discovering he can fly, will be available from September 2011.
Simon has illustrated this story with his inimitable watercolour and ink drawings and, for the first time in his books, there is a strong graphic novel effect which will delight all readers.
by simon
Plymouth City Museum is currently hosting a successful exhibition entitled Draw me a story – the art of illustration for children.
As one of the featured artists Simon has provided sketches, dummy books, pens and water colours to show how a picture book moves from an idea to the
finished product; as well as delivering talks for visitors to the exhibition about his work.
by simon
“I am always playing with new ideas for stories, sketching and writing little books to see if my ideas will work.
My favourite at the moment is a story about a little boy’s first visit to the beach and how the events of the day leave him ready to eat a very large supper!”